I'm not usually an Autumn gal. It's not that I don't love the colorful foliage on the trees, the cool, crisp evenings, or hot beef stew that always ends up in my crock-pot. It's just that living in the Northeast most of my life, fall means that the endless cold winter is just around the corner and that's something I've never looked forward to!! Here in Texas, I've waited for the fall seasonal changes up until we are about to put up the Christmas tree. Then I realize it's come and practically gone and I haven't even worn a sweater yet! But not this year, no sirree!
I hate to admit that I wished the summer away..... but I did, sadly at that. I had my plans, my expectations, my to-do list, but by mid-June I knew things were not going my way. For me, it was a dreadful summer and I hate to say that because nothing bad happened. My entire nuclear family was home, just like I always want it to be. My older boys are practically adults--maybe one or two of them are by certain standards and yet I long for the days when they took direction from me, I ran the show in this house, my rules were followed to the Tee and that was just how it should be. But not now. Two came home from college in early May, one finished junior year of high school and all three of them went into sloth-mode. Okay, the oldest spent a month with an army obligation & took a summer class. He's off the hook. But the other two----Mama Mia!!
I don't want to sound like a complainer--so I won't. I didn't want to be a nag, so after 4 weeks of reminding them to put the cereal away when they ate their breakfast, (at 2 in the afternoon cause that's when they woke up) I just did it for them. The point is, I want them to feel welcome in their home and not chastised or hounded to death, but things will change next summer and they are all aware of it!!! (btw--this is not just about a little cereal being left out!)
The disruption and lack of routine upset the entire balance of our family. Bad habits were picked up by the younger three who watched the older ones laze around. I am still un-doing some damage to the littlest boy. Who wants an 8 year-old with a teenage attitude?! Not me!!
So, good-bye summer of 2010 and good riddens!! I've already started putting out my fall decorations--the scarecrows & pumpkins and my, they look good! Today my house was filled with the comforting aroma of autumn thanks to a scented candle that was burning all afternoon. I splurged and bought a huge, HUGE pot of mums which are all buds now, but will open shortly into burgundy blooms. They grace my front porch. It may still be in the 90's most days around here, but you'll be sure to find me curled up in front of the fireplace, sipping hot cider. I'll be the one wearing the sweater!!
(just a little side note: I can't wait for the boys to come back from college for a visit--it's just not home without them!)