Another gray, damp, dreary day. I call this New Jersey weather and I sure don't miss it. Fortunately, in Texas it is short-lived and sprinkled with days of sunshine and spring-like weather. It has been relatively cold since the holidays with our 'winter' extending longer than usual this year. Our fireplace wasn't working until we had it serviced at the end of January. We sure missed it and it's now a spot that the whole family has been gathering to warm ourselves.
Around the house:
It is clean and purge time. Typically after the holidays I start to nest and redecorate, or at least dream of how I'd like to redecorate. The purging has gone quite well. Last week, the 13 yo boy suddenly decided his room was too cluttered and he wanted to get rid of half the 'stuff' in there. I had planned a few other chores for that day, but immediately redirected our focus and handed him a 'donate' bag and a 'trash bag'. Both were filled!! (we actually had several of each bag)
I love little bird decorations. My family has generations of bird lovers and anything having to do with them reminds me of my childhood. I picked up these cute little figurines to place around the house. I often find myself just looking at them and smiling!

I am creating:
My friend recently delivered her 10th child! Now that I've been crocheting over a year and have made a few things worthy of giving away, I tried my hand at little baby booties. It took several tries of stitching and ripping, consultation with a friend, and many views of a youtube tutorial, but the end result wasn't half bad! I really enjoyed this project.

Our newest endeavor is painting saint peg people for an upcoming exchange within our homeschool group. More on that next time!
I am reading:
"The One Thing is Three" by Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC, the third book in the All Hearts Afire program. I am once again blown away by his writing. This one focuses on Catholic theology and the Trinity. I am participating in the study of this book at my parish. I feel so blessed to have participated in and facilitated groups based on his New Evangelization books. I have grown so much on my spiritual journey and just want to spread his message of Marian Consecration and Divine Mercy. I'm feeling called to something that I know will be relevant to spreading the Kingdom of God, just haven't quite figured it out yet. Hoping that upon finishing this book/program I will know what path God is calling me to.
I am pondering:
Fasting. From The Word Among Us (lent 2015) "Fasting helps us see the difference between what we need and what we want, between what we have to do and what we want to do. It helps us push through the clutter in our lives so that we can find the clear, single-minded path that will get us closer to the Lord. As we fast, we come face-to-face with our reluctance to change--and we find the grace to step into God's transforming grace." I stink at fasting whether it's food, especially if it's food!, or just cutting back on non-essential busyness in my life. But, "When we link it (fasting) to prayer, fasting is also about experiencing spiritual breakthroughs." Did you catch in the above note that I feel God is calling me to something, but I don't know what? Hmmm. Also, "Our heavenly Father always responds when we fast with a disposition of humility and repentance. It makes our prayers of intercession more powerful." That's enough reason right there to put a little more effort into fasting. Pray for me, please?
I am praying for:
My mom is very sick right now and possibly will not recover. I am heading out to spend a week with her and my dad in 6 days. Please pray for safe travels and for my mom's healing? Thank you!
For better health:
I am finally getting caught up on some women health check-ups that are way overdue. I feel glad that I can give myself a little attention in this department. It's so easy to be the care-taker of our kids and spouses that we neglect ourselves. I just switched doctors too, which delayed my appointment a few months, but I'm really happy with my choice and feel like if I don't take care of me, I can't take care of my family.
The rest of the week:
Is busy!! Hosting our parish's supper club on Saturday and need to cook a good, homemade Italian feast for 20+ guests, piano recital, and packing for our trip. Just agreed to rescue a pregnant mama dog from the shelter to keep safe until we leave. I still have this mama dog from last time:
I've become very attached to her!
Happy Lent!!!!
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