Outside my window:
It's fall and for the first time that I can remember since we moved here, it looks and feels like it too! We had a 2-week cold snap in early November and the leaves that change have started to do so. The timing couldn't be more perfect as it is Thanksgiving week. Usually the leaves change the week before Christmas and my brain gets all confused!!!
These pics are from around my neighborhood:
I am wearing:
It's sweater and jeans weather. New riding boots and also scarves as accessories. I really love the scarves-- they dress up an outfit so well and keep me toasty. It's one of the few items my daughter and I can share. The only problem I'm having is how best to organize and store them?
From the kitchen:
Well, I did mention that it's Thanksgiving week, so there will be turkey with all the trimmings, pies (not homemade, but lots of them), ham, raviolis, and turkey soup.
I'm getting a kick out of my recent "Suzie Homemaker" instinct kicking in. This almost always happens soon after the holidays when I suddenly have more time on my hands. Surprisingly, this year it has happened a few months early. What am I talking about? It's the time of year when I suddenly want to try new recipes! I think it's come early this time because I purchased this book last year, tabbed interesting recipes, but never had time to try them out. In the hopes of getting dinner planning organized, I recently purchased this book as well, marked it all up and eagerly shopped in order to stock my freezer. So far, I'm enjoying them both and trying to cook up something brand new at least once a week. The Ree Drummond book has some delicious recipes, but is not easy on the calories! Her pictures and recipe descriptions are both amazing and hysterical. It's worth buying the book just for that!

We have a sweet new Mama dog and her beautiful seven pups. They are cuties and will all need forever homes by Christmas. It broke my heart weaning the pups as their Mama still wants to keep a watchful eye on them and as soon as she got near the pen, they all piled up as close to her as they could get. Precious!!
For better health:
We've been dealing with upper respiratory viruses, coughs, and anxiety producing stress in our family. Rather than use only traditional medical methods of treatment, I've been exploring the use of essential oils. Armed with my Modern Essentials book and a variety of DoTerra oils, we've been massaging, diffusing, and adding droplets to our drinking water for better health. Have I thrown modern medicine out the window? Absolutely not! But, I have found benefits from supplementing with this other modality of treatment. We love this oil so much when we have congestion, I've already needed to order a new bottle.
A few favorite things:
So much has been going on, but two recent happenings have made me smile. The first was our mid-October trip to Disney World. It was a whirl-wind, but fun and sadly, feels like a dream. I think I need to put together a couple photo books to help bring back the memories. Savoring Disney is hard for me because we always seem to be on a treadmill from the time we get there till we are heading home. It's hard to process what's happening and stay in the moment when we need to hurry on to the next attraction. Guess we'll just need to go back again soon!!
Another fun event was attending my son, Kyle's, Texas A&M ring ceremony. I think everyone in our family can honestly say we love this school. It's so much more than a college, it's a philosophy, a virutous character trait, and a way of life. To say you're an Aggie carries an esteemed label and it is something to be proud of. I never thought I would feel this way about a Texas university, but there ya go, I really wish I'd gone to TAMU, then I could say "Gig- 'em" and "Whoop" and be legit!!
I am praying for:
Safe travels for all those who will be on the road this week, especially my children returning home and my extended family on the east coast who will be fighting a nor-easter while attempting to make their turkey feasts.
An end to the persecutions of all Christians,
Two dear internet friends who have serious turmoil in their families. Satan really wants to destroy sacramental marriages and holy families. I'm praying these two can endure the battle.
I am pondering:
"The heart is rich when it is content, and it is always content when its desires are fixed on God." ~Blessed Miguel Pro
Happy Thanksgiving!!!